Service description
Scan exams with EvaExam
The use of scanable exams offers lecturers numerous advantages, including automatic evaluation and reduced workload. The “EvaExam” tool is used at the University of Leipzig. In addition to single- and multiple-choice questions, different query variants can be used. The tool enables the digital creation of question libraries for exam environments. The individual design of the exam sheet is done automatically through functions such as the randomization of the question selection and the order of the question and answer. After scanning the exams, the system performs an automatic pre-correction of the answers, which saves the lecturers a lot of time.
Our Service for you
The service offers users:
- Digital environment for creating and administering questionnaires
- Automatic individualization of examination forms by random selection of questions and order of questions and answers
- Automatic creation of a simple, easy-to-understand, printable examination form
- Creation and application of your own grading schemes for your exam
- Execution of the test situation in presence
- Scanning of the exams is done by the E-Learning team
- Automated pre-assessment of the exam by the system after scanning according to your specifications
- Extensive digital view to check and evaluate the results of the exam
- Statistical report on all results
The use of the service requires compliance with the following regulations:
- For all services of the University Computer Centre, the IuK usage regulations of the University Computer Centre of the University of Leipzig apply in principle. Misuse of services of the University Computer Centre may lead to the termination of the usage permit and, if applicable, to criminal proceedings.
IuK user regulations of the URZ
- Information Security Regulations and Data Protection Regulations of the Department for Data Protection and Information Security of the University of Leipzig
Information Security Regulations
Principles of information security
The Data Protection Officer of the University of Leipzig must be consulted when personal data is collected.
If you have any questions about data protection, please contact the Data Protection Officer of the University of Leipzig.
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