The LiquidInfo project is researching the development of a secure, low-threshold and efficient provision of AI models for the application of media transformations. Audio-visual information, e.g. from meetings or events, is to be semantically enriched to increase transparency and inclusion and made available in various languages and formats – for barrier-free communication and documentation of information across all modalities in a protected space.

enlarge the image: Zu sehen ist ein Meeting. Ein großer Konferenztisch mit drei Menschen, die an Computern arbeiten. Ihnen gegenüber ein am Laptop arbeitender Roboter. Ein weiterer Roboter steht an der Stirnseite des Tisches und hält einen Vortrag. Sinnbild für den Einsatz künstlicher Intelligenz in Veranstaltungen.
Picture: Colourbox

Duration 01.04.2024 – 31.03.2027

Funding Organisation: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Participating institutions of Leipzig University: University Computer Centre (Department of Research and Development)

Project description

Initial situation

AI-based services and applications are firmly integrated into our everyday working lives. Most of them are cloud-based and proprietary. SMEs are confronted with several challenges: Services in the cloud are problematic for data protection and data sovereignty, their use makes them dependent on closed formats and platforms, the licence models involve high costs and integration into internal business processes often has to be done manually instead of at data level - or the company's own processes have to be laboriously adapted to the specifications of external APIs. The social costs of massive energy consumption in permanently running cloud data centres are also often underestimated.


Project goal

The project addresses these problems by developing the LiquidInfo-Box; a combination of harmonised hardware and software components for energy-saving mobile use. By simply connecting an HDMI signal, the box enables automatic transcriptions, translations, object recognition, processing, analyses and summaries of meetings, presentations or other events in a variety of formats. Data processing takes place entirely on the device, which guarantees data sovereignty, reduces dependencies on external providers and energy consumption and also greatly simplifies set-up. The open, semantically enriched data structure allows flexible media switching of content for greater accessibility and inclusion.



The implementation as an offline on-premise solution enables a data protection-compliant implementation. As the data processing takes place locally on the device without the involvement of external providers, no consent is required for the external processing of data. This makes it possible to use the solution in strictly confidential situations. The information encoded in the AV data is extracted and converted into an abstract data model. This enables further processing across all modalities, flexibilisation and individualisation of the output.


pixelcraft innovation GmbH (pxi agentur)

About the project partner

Future Fabrik (Burnett & Manhardt GbR)

About the project partner

Universitätsrechenzentrum Leipzig, Universität Leipzig

About the project partner
  • City of Leipzig, Office for Economic Development
  • dzb lesen
  • Kreatives Leipzig e.V., Association of the cultural and creative industries
  • emotion works (Stock & Krähenbiel GbR)

Project funding

The LiquidInfo joint project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the "IKT 2020 - KMU-innovativ: IKT - Software Engineering" funding measure and supervised by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR).

Persons involved

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Mihail Miller

Project leadership

Abteilung Forschung und Entwicklung
Wünschmanns Hof
Dittrichring 18-20, Room 1.07
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 33448
Fax: +49 341 97 - 33399

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Wolfgang Görs

Research Fellow

Abteilung Forschung und Entwicklung
Wünschmanns Hof
Dittrichring 18-20, Room 1.20
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 33431
Fax: +49 341 97 - 33399