A digital signature replaces your manual signature online. With the help of your valid certificate issued by the DFN and the following instructions, you can make your emails and PDFs private.
First steps
The first step and prerequisite for setting up a digital signature is the user certificate.
See the Service “User certificate”
Step 3
Now click on "File" in the menu bar at the top of the screen and navigate to "Import object ...".
Step 4
Then navigate to the storage location of your certificate file (.p12) and select it by clicking "Open".
Step 2
The "Certificate management" dialogue window opens. On the "Your certificates" tab, select the "Import" button.
Now select "Your certificate file" and confirm it with "Open".
When opening the personal certificate file, the password you entered when saving the certificate is requested.
Step 3
Then go to "Certification Authorities", find "DFN-Verein Certification Authorithy 2", click on it and select "Edit Trust".
The basic configuration of Adobe Reader is pre-installed on all computers in the domain.
Step 1
Go to "Settings" under "Editing" and then to the left tab under "Signatures".
Step 2
Under "Signatures" → "Creation and Appearance" go to "More". Now a new window opens. Under these, select "Appearance" → "New".
Step 3
Now a window opens where you enter your name, your position and your email address and then click on okay.
Step 6
Enter your name here again and make sure that under Issued by: "DFN-Verein Global Issuing CA" if not, go to Change and select the correct certificate as in point 7.
Step 7
Now select the certificate where the issuer is the: "DFN-Verein Global Issuing CA" and click on "OK". Then click on Sign as described in point 6.