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    Service description

    Printing in the PC pools

    Various black-and-white and colour laser printers are available at several locations in the Neues Augusteum, in the seminar and lecture hall building. The use of the b/w laser printers and the colour printers is subject to a charge.

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    Service description

    Security software for workstations

    To protect against viruses, the URZ offers all members of the University of Leipzig the opportunity to protect their end devices with anti-virus software. The security software Sophos Antivirus from Sophos is available to members of the UL for this purpose.

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    Service description

    Service Desk (First-Level Support)

    The service desk of the Leipzig University Computer Centre (URZ) is the central contact point for all enquiries concerning the services offered by the URZ. Thus, the service desk acts as a link between the users and the specialist departments of the URZ. Enquiries that cannot be answered conclusively immediately are recorded in the service desk and forwarded to the respective specialist departments of the URZ and answered by them.

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    Service description

    Software shop

    On behalf of the University, the URZ offers institutions as well as staff and students the opportunity to purchase a variety of programmes and associated licences (e.g. SPSS, Adobe Acrobat Pro, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Filemaker, EndNote and many more) via the software shop. The software shop is operated by an external service provider (ASKNET).

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    Service description

    Software: Citavi

    Citavi is a programme for literature management and knowledge organisation. Many students use Citavi when writing term papers and theses, researchers often use the programme when working on scientific publications.

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    Service description


    Engineers and scientists worldwide use MATLAB and Simulink to analyse data and signals, simulate complex systems, and perform model-based development. Use the latest versions of MATLAB and Simulink and other MathWorks products to support your teaching and research.

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    Service description

    Software: Microsoft 365 for students

    Through the state licence agreement for Microsoft products, the URZ offers all students of Leipzig University the free use of Microsoft 365.

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    Service description

    Streaming and recording for teaching

    With this service, lectures, experiments, seminars etc. can be recorded with video and sound and broadcast live. Different technology is used depending on the technical equipment in the rooms.

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    Service description


    With Moodle, our university offers its staff and students a university-wide supported learning platform. No download or similar is required to use it.

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    Service description

    Teaching-Learning-Platform Moodle (Teaching)

    Moodle is the central teaching platform of the University of Leipzig. Teachers can use Moodle to digitally supplement their teaching and set up digital cooperative teaching-learning scenarios with and for their students. In addition, the use of the virtual course rooms of the learning platform is possible for employees of the University as well as for cooperating institutions in order to make special areas of knowledge digitally available. Moodle can be used to organise materials and information clearly and to actively support students in their learning processes.

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