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Ad-hoc surveys in courses
By using mobile devices (laptops, smartphones), Particify can be used as a voting tool in seminars, lectures or other events. You want to know whether the auditorium can follow your lecture? Use Particify's feedback function. In this way, the interactivity between speaker and audience can be increased and events can be made more varied.
Barrierefreie Arbeitsplätze für blinde und sehbehinderte bzw. hochgradig sehbehinderte Personen
Im Computerpool für Sehgeschädigte im Neuen Seminargebäude in der Universitätsstraße 1, Raum S -013, bietet das Universitätsrechenzentrum der Universität Leipzig (URZ) barrierefreie Unterstützung für blinde und sehbehinderte Studierende sowie Beschäftigte der Universität an.
Create teaching-learning content as a portfolio with Mahara
Mahara is a software for creating and managing e-portfolios in an online community. E-portfolios use new media to implement the old concept of portfolios. E-portfolios are network-based collection portfolios that integrate various digital media and services. Students create and maintain an e-portfolio as a digital repository of the various materials and media they have created during a course or throughout their studies, as well as for self-presentation. Students can use the e-portfolio to demonstrate competences and reflect on their learning process. The materials created can be used as examination results.
Data Science with RStudio
RStudio offers a comprehensive integrated development environment for the programming language R for statistical calculations. The service allows access to our hardware resources and use of the extensive library of software.
E-Assessment-Plattform Ilias (Online-Prüfung)
ILIAS is a platform of Leipzig University for creating and conducting examinations. With the help of the platform, teachers can create computer-based exams or placement tests. Different question types such as multiple-choice questions, free-text questions or hotspot questions can be used. ILIAS also offers the possibility to categorise questions in pools and to create automated exams, so that if there are a large number of questions, each examinee receives different questions.
Email box for employees
The University Computer Centre provides an email box (standard without Exchange including for employees of Leipzig University.
Livestream from lecture halls
With "Livestreams", teaching events (in the lecture theatre) can be broadcast online for students in real time. Lecturers can simply start the transmission themselves using the keypad on the lectern. All livestreams are made available on Leipzig University's teaching and learning platform (Moodle).
Microsoft Exchange email box for employees
Employees of Leipzig University can use a mailbox based on Microsoft Exchange in addition to the standard email box. Exchange is a groupware system from Microsoft that combines email, tasks, calendars, address books and many other practical functions. The Exchange email box can be used both with the Outlook software for your desktop and via a web frontend.
Online evaluation and surveys with LimeSurvey
The browser-based tool enables individual online surveys for e.g. evaluation, opinion research, target group analyses and much more. Users can create and evaluate questionnaires on their own. The survey results can be analysed using SPSS or Excel, among other tools.
Own cloud storage (Speicherwolke)
With the “Own cloud storage (Speicherwolke)” service, you have the option of storing files and documents centrally and synchronising them with different end devices. The files stored in the cloud storage can be shared with other people in a secure way and partly edited together. We currently use the cloud storage application “Speicherwolke” for this purpose.